All posts by John

Nordic berry flower bloom season

Nordic berry flower bloom season

Nordic berry flower bloom season is fantastic for anyone that enjoys taking pictures of wild berry flowers. Three of the most common wildflowers in Finland are bilberries, lingonberries, wild raspberries, and cloudberries.  In this Nordic berry flowers bloom season, the flowers are lingonberries. They are white in color when opened, just prior to the opening they are a pink color.

Nordic berry flower bloom season

The berry flowering is usually in June, the bilberries flower first about 2 weeks before the lingonberries start to flower. The bilberry flowers are also round spherical shape, they look like around rice paper light shade, exactly the same round shape and the delicate structure that you find in a rice paper light shade,

Take a look at this short video to become familiar with spotting lingonberry flowers.  There are also bumblebees pollinating the wild berry flowers, and you can tell on the video that they are very excited and busy at work.  Thank you for visiting website and watching this Nordic berry flower bloom season video. I hope the video is informative and helpful.  Please do share the video link with your friends, thanks.

Nordic berry flower bloom season for guests

Nordic berry flowers bloom season can be a great time to visit Finland. The berry season starts early June and lasts for about 4 weeks. It may vary from year to year, some seasons come early other seasons come late, so one would need to keep that in mind so that the timing is spot on.

Photography of the Nordic berry flowers bloom season

For the purpose of photography, the berry flowers bloom season needs to be timed just right, because the flowers are only at their best for about one week, to be on the safe side. That means that the bilberry flowers are good for photography for about one-week duration.  Other point for consideration is the location, the further you go South the earlier the berries bloom.  And the opposite is also true that the further you travel North, the later the wild berry flowers bloom, due to the proximity of the Arctic region, that generates cold air flow.

Things to consider before purchasing a Japanese maple tree

Things to consider before purchasing a Japanese maple tree

The beauty of the Japanese maples demands from the gardener that it should be placed at the most prominent site in the garden or inside the building. There are many diverse varieties are available and some of them are utilized as trees while other as s shrub depending upon the taste of the buyer and the availability of the space. Almost all of the maples carry the variant colorful leaves for three seasons and usually the winter turns them into a leafless tree. And being a leafless tree doesn’t take away all the charm from it as the colorful bark complements the absence of leaves for a while.

Completing an outdoors garden

A garden in the western world is thought to be incomplete without the presence of excitingly colored leaves of Japanese maples. This is also true for private homes and commercial buildings, and the reason behind this popularity is also due to the fact that there are some finest dwarf varieties easily available. This flexibility allows the buyers to adjust the plant with their premises and not the other way around. This opens vistas of opportunities for the interior decoration. It has been noted that there is a growing trend among plant lovers to go for Japanese maple trees and the reason is their complete adaptability with the interior of a building and the gardens. This is the commercial advantage that these trees provide to their admirers.

The scientific name Acer palmatum is used most of the time in the advertisements and in the realm of gardeners. The maximum height of Japanese maple is recorded as 30 feet which occurs in the specific subdivisions of the variety. But this is just the one side of the picture as there are several other types that take years and years to grow even a foot. And there are many examples of dwarfs that can reach only to a height of 3 feet. As the plant itself shows many variations and it is estimated that there are about 1000 of the varieties present throughout the world. Well, variations do not stop here as the leaves are of many forms as well ranging from geometrical to the abstract lovely shapes.

Most of the plants come with a varied form of instructions but Japanese maple seldom demands any exceptional treatment. A maple enthusiast can count the instructions on fingers and moreover these treatments build the intimacy level of people with this lovely plant. In most of the categories, you will observe as if the clock has stopped ticking, this is due to the slow growth, which brings the change in colors and structure very slowly. But with the change in the season, a change in the colour is usually bound to come. So this way the plant acts like a season-clock in itself and reminds the whole ambiance that the new season has just arrived.

If you are planning to raise a Japanese maple then the most obvious way to start involves a little bit of shopping. You need to know exactly what you are looking to buy. There are some specific parameters that if known can make this process less hectic. To start thinking about a maple tree, ask yourself, are you looking for a dwarf-sized or an upright tree. Where do you want to place it, inside the building or in the garden, moreover a good tip is that buy a tree which suits the color scheme of the environment? There are several other things that you can take into account as well, which might include its tolerance level of hot or cold climate. One important bit of information that will be useful to know is that does the tree require any special treatment for protection from bacterial attacks. Usually a Japanese maple is available in the market with specific information, but still, you can always ask the seller about the mentioned questions and anything else that you deem right to know.

Thank you for visiting website and reading up on this Things to consider before purchasing a Japanese maple tree article post.  We hope this was informative, helpful and useful.  please share this website link with your friends, thanks.

Japanese maples very appealing

Japanese maples very appealing

Japanese maples very appealing year round, they do have characteristics that of a fine tree.

Japanese maples always remind us of the autumn, but this is not an accurate picture of these lovely trees. They can flourish throughout the year, which makes them a plant of every season. The spring season gives them vivid colors like red and copper brown. These may sound too shocking colors, but shocking is not the right word for these lovely trees as they naturally adept with the ambiance. In summers, the leaves get soft and light colors which add delight to the overall environment. Although the trees carry no leaves in the winter their structure will be a fresh addition to the surroundings. The colorful stems of some maples will leave an impression on the senses of the viewer.

Japanese maples very appealing and adaptable

Different types of Japanese maples can fit in different places and situations and their adaptability make them handy all the time. Take the example of Weeping range, their bulgy shape appears to be dipping in the water when planted near a pool or fountain. This lets the viewer wonder whether fountains are built to adapt to this charming tree. The smaller sizes are usually placed in the busiest parts of the home and offices. This increases their visibility and in this way, their charm can be enjoyed by many people. The terrace is another important place in any building and we can add the taller trees here to make them more graceful. Moreover, the larger trees can be utilized to make a lane, which will give the fresh feeling to anyone passing through them.

Japanese maples very appealing and affordable

Not only Japanese maples have looks that dazzle the surroundings, but they are also affordable as well. As with any general item, the rarer they are the more expensive they get. Same is the case with the rare range of these trees, which should not trouble any Japanese maple lover, because it is only the case with the rare species. If you are looking for an affordable maple tree and can sacrifice its vigor for some part of the year then there is handful range waiting for you. Japanese maples with green leaves fall under this category, in autumn you can enjoy the charming colors of orange, yellow and red for which these trees are famous across the globe.

With affordable prices, you can easily give exotic look to your favorite places. Planting a Japanese maple is a good idea if you want to stay in a limited budget. The only thing you really have to care about is the trouble of pest. They can give a hard time to the development of the plant, as in some cases they can cause them to die as well. The most commonly available pesticides can prove to be a good option at this stage of growth. But this period of care is limited. Japanese maples will take care of themselves once they reach to a mature stage of age. And you can enjoy the glowing colors of these gorgeous trees.

Japanese maples very appealing in the sunlight

Once fully planted Japanese maples require a good two-three hour of sunshine in the morning. And in the hottest period of the day, you need to use some kind of shading to avoid any damage to the leaves.

In the hotter parts of the world, this becomes more of an essential instruction to follow, as shading proves to be a very good way to avoid direct sunlight. If proper care is not shown in this regard it can burn the leaves and eventually will damage the natural colors. These instructions will not sound too much demanding to a plant lover as each plant comes with its own list of do’s and don’ts. Over time these instructions will become part of your habits, and you will not feel as you are carrying out any activity. Once you have made them as your habit then you can manage a number of plants without any extra burden. This will prove to be beneficial even if you are planning to produce these Japanese maple trees on a commercial level where you have to look after a large number of plants.

Thank you for visiting website and reading this Japanese maple very appealing article post. If you would like to read more about the tree planting then visit website.  And learn the art of tree planting and how to take care of them.

Characteristics of Japanese maples

Characteristics of Japanese maples

Characteristics of Japanese maples are interesting, they also have a heritage and history of this very fine tree.

Japanese maples don’t require you to become a history buff. But still, a little background can give you the idea about the heritage it carries. As the name tells, these trees are strongly linked to the land of the rising sun more precisely Japan. It is stated that villagers of Japan used to walk to the mountains to have a look of the mesmerizing colors of local maple trees. As time passed these magnificent floras became the household item for ornament. It was there amazing interest in the newfound treasure that today we have over a thousand variations of this amazing tree. All of them different from each other on the basis of size, shape, color, and age.

This staggering diversity is not enjoyed by many plants all across the globe, for this reason, these maples are appreciated by very diverse cultures of the world. They can grow in nearly all the climates except for the extreme cold and warm areas. If planted in the favored climate they can astonish the viewer by their manifestation of colors. The plant has something to offer to each climate and will give a relevant look to each part of the world.

Characteristics of Japanese maples with distinction

Don’t forget when you are out for purchasing your first Japanese maple that these trees change their colors all over the year. So it does matter a lot at what time of year you are about to purchase them as it will influence the decision-making process. Apart from summer when the leaves take the green color, most of the time in their life they shift between red, yellow and orange. The blooming period is of autumn when they show their true manifestations. And spark the gardens as if someone has blazed the whole environment with fire colors. Before falling completely they reach their zenith and at that time it really looks like a masterpiece of some extra imaginative artist. There are certain categories of Japanese maples that can sustain well in much cold climate as well.

Characteristics of Japanese maples with vivid colors

Varieties like Coral Bark are famous for their many variations in the colors. They get the astonishing colors in the winter season, which makes the chilling winter a pleasurable experience. Laceleaf is the most sensitive category when it comes for encountering warm, dehydrated places. But their mushroom shape looks make them a very interesting companion. The Weeping maples are known for their amazing and soothing spread out the form. But they are very good at their growth rate, and if you are planting them from the very scratch you can see them growing over a very long period of time. This sometimes can be very frustrating for someone who wants quick results but over the time you will find meaning in the slow growth as well.

Characteristics of Japanese maples single trunk

Any tree admirer should go for the single trunk maples, as they are erect and can completely transform the looks of your garden. Whereas single trunk is not the only option that Japanese maples offer, there are multiple trunk maples easily available in the market. They have a bush like a look which allows for any flexible adaptability with most of the places inside a home and office. The delicacies for which these trees are famous across the globe sometimes produce problems for the grower and the plant itself. The extreme variation in the weather leaves badly influence the colors of this astounding plant. The more one can show care in this matter, the more it will prove to be beneficial for the plant. There are several methods which can be adapted to avoid such situations.

Thank you for visiting website and reading up on this History and characteristics of Japanese maples article post. Please do share the website link with your friends, thanks.

Five most colourful Japanese maple trees

Five most colorful Japanese maple trees

Five most colorful Japanese maple trees are fantastic to experience and to see them year-round in all seasons. Here are five Japanese maples listed for your convenience to consider them here.

Butterfly Japanese maple

It is an excellent choice for a small modest garden. These upright small trees are good for nearly all the seasons. The leaves take different colors with the change in season. The autumn blazes with the red colors and the rest of the year color changes from gray green to bright pink. It doesn’t demand any special treatment except for the usual moisturizer in the soil and protection from extreme sunlight. Generally it is known to be a small tree and can rise up to 10 feet in height. The leaves have variation in the shapes and most of them are take a curved shape. It has gained amazing popularity due to its vibrant colors that it manifests from time to time depending upon the season.

Five most colorful Japanese maple trees – Filigree

The expert gardeners differentiate between green filigree and its sister breed red filigree. But for a general lover of plants both are same except for their colors. The tree bears dissected leaves which are larger in size in relation to other dissected types of Japanese maples. Moreover what really gives it a delicate look than other is the presence of small white dots, which are not visible from a distance but a closer look to leaves gives a soothing experience to the eyes. It is renowned for its slow growth and few inches of growth can take years but this patience pays off in the end as the charming tree adds beauty to every ambiance. As it is the characteristic of maple trees that they carry a different color in the autumn so this tree is not an exception. The orange colors give it a mesmerizing look through out the fall. The plant carries not a good reputation for facing sunlight so it should be given proper protection from sun.

Higasayama Japanese maples

An amazing piece for structure as it can take the height of 15 feet, and the surprising part is that it can take the width of 15 feet as well. The horizontal growth gives it a touch which most of the maple trees lack and the whole structure looks so elegant that influences the mood of viewer. The new leaves always take the red colors and over the period up till maturity they take a green color blended with pink color. In fall it takes the same color of that it had in its infancy and turns into red. It can also be used as an ornamental tree inside the home and for this purpose a tray or pot can easily be used. The immense fame that it has gained is justified as it changes the whole ambiance with its amazing colors.

Five most colourful Japanese maple trees – Okushimo

The name at first seems a little difficult to pronounce as it comes from Japanese language which translates as salt and paper. This tree belongs to the rare collection of unusual group of Japanese maples. The green color gets best when it meets this plant. The leaf is an astounding peace of art as it is seven lobed. The experience told the experts that it has a very slow growth and for this reason it is not widely planted all over the world. Although the tree carries a historical background of almost 300 years but the slow growth has become a major hurdle in its popularity. A clear understanding of its growth can be appreciated by knowing the fact that it gains half feet in a decade.


The cascading effect that this tree produces is truly magnificent. The weeping leaves cover the complete perimeter of the plant. The tree lies in the category of small trees and the leaves are deeply dissected. The green color dominates the life of this tree and in only spring do we see a change in the color when it turns into orange. Moreover in the autumn the leaves can take the color of red and gold which not only sounds astonishing but completely changes the ambiance of the garden. The viewers always admire this tree for its magnificent color schemes.

Thank you fro visiting website and reading up on this Five most colorful Japanese maple trees article post. We hope this was informative and helpful.  Please do share this website link with your friends, thanks.

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Except changes improvements happy New Year 2016

Except for changes improvements happy New Year 2016

New Years is the perfect occasion to plan new goals and improvements for love, friendships and all the good things in life. Let’s take the time to appreciate what this year has given us and what the new one is about to bring! Happy New Years!

Except changes improvements happy New Year 2016

The Entire year is still blank, start writing your fantastic future goals and expectations now, is very much a possibility if you use your creative mind powers as a planning tool to design your future. To some, this may seem unrealistic, to other’s it is a no brainer. Of course one needs to use his/her noggin to plan the future very precisely, life should not be a gamble, it is a high-risk gamble with time to let it go by without doing nothing about improving one’s life.

Except changes improvements happy New Year 2016

Thank you for visiting website and reading up on the latest articles.  Happy New Year!

Advertising natural food from Finland

Advertising natural food from Finland

Advertising natural food from Finland are common in the Nordic countries, they are found in the rivers, lakes, ponds, forests, swamps areas and the tundra mountains. In this video the photography focus is on the berries of Finland and particularly on the bright red lingonberries.

Lingonberries are the most common berries in Finland the annual harvest is in the hundreds of tons annually. It is a very acidic berry and one of it’s unique qualities is that it cam be preserved in the natural juice of the berry at low temperatures 0’C-4’C in a cool room, fridge or a cellar for several months without any problems with the half crushed berries going off. In the days before electricity, the underground cellar was used to preserved fruit and vegetables for 4- 6 months over the winter season. Carrot and potatoes keep well in the underground cellar in clean sand or the natural soil coating over the vegetables. Lingonberries are half crushed so that the natural juice covers the berries and then the container is closed with a lid.

Advertising natural food from Finland
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Here is some nutritional info on the Advertising marketing natural food from Finland.

The berries contain plentiful organic acids, vitamin C, vitamin A (as beta carotene), B vitamins (B1, B2, B3), and the elements potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.[citation needed] In addition to these nutrients, they also contain phytochemicals that are thought to counteract urinary-tract infections, and the seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Advertising natural food from Finland online

Advertising and marketing online is a practical way to get the message out worldwide, media online is more accessible worldwide than any other form of media has been in the past. Once the infrastructure is in place for internet connection and the various devices are available for access then it is just a matter for content creation and advertising.   Advertising marketing natural food from Finland is becoming more common in the near future.  For more information on the Nordic cuisine visit this website

Learn more about advertising and marketing from Ben Franklin study course Online, visit this link for more details

Suomi Finland

Suomi Finland seasons.

Suomi Finland geographical location is in the northern hemisphere, the close proximity to the north pole and the long cool shadow of the Arctic winter has had an impact on the natural environment of the Fennoscandia. The natural environment had evolved over many hundreds of thousands of years for the most adapted plants and vegetation to survive and thrive during the extreme changes between the summer season and the winter season. Many plants of the northern hemisphere are unique and well adapted to the extreme conditions.

Suomi Finland pictures.

Suomi Finland pictures presented on this animated video presents the many natural color and tone impressions from Suomi Finland.The spring season explodes with thriving life filled with bright colors that continue on well into the summer season, the splash of colors don’t stop there, next in turn is the autumn season with another stage show of  brilliant display of natural Nordic colors that are extremely vivid with reds, yellows, and green colors.

Summer berry season.

Summer berry season in the Suomi Finland is a real natural gift from mother nature.  The nature continues to provide berries year after year without any attention give to the cultivation of the berry plants.  The most common berries are bilberries, lingonberries, cloudberries and wild raspberries. Other berries that are cultivated and farmed are strawberries. The berry season starts in July-August with strawberries, bilberries, cloudberries and wild strawberries. The last berry to ripen is the lingonberry, the lingonberry has the greatest consumption in Suomi Finland by far. The annual yield of lingonberries per year in Suomi Finland is between 200 to 500 tons.

Suomi Finland
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Winter ice cover over lakes.

Winter ice cover over the lakes of Suomi Finland starts around October in the northern region and for the south, the freeze offer is some 4-6 weeks later in November to December.  Many regions make use of the cold winter freeze over of the lakes and ice roads are made by clearing the snow off the road. The ice can vary over a lake, the formation of the ice depends on the conditions that are present. There is a term called in Suomi Finland, it is called “teras-jaa” (metal-ice), the metal ice is the strongest ice that can form naturally. Metal ice that is 20 cm thick is sufficient to carry 2-ton trailer vehicle, per axle it is 1.5 ton.  30 cm metal ice can carry 4-ton trailer weight and 3 ton over the axle. 80 cm metal ice can carry 31-ton trailer weight and 14 ton over the axle.  The metal ice of Suomi Finland is sufficiently strong to take the weight of load of a snow plow to clear the  ice road and to carry the passenger vehicle traffic over the ice covered lake, it may be a short distance of a few kilometers or it can be tens of kilometers.  The weather conditions are observed during the spring season to determine when the ice road is no longer safe to traffic as the spring season warms up towards the summer season.


Snowscape in Lapland.

christmas in lapland

Autumn season.

Suomi Finland
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