All posts by John

Vihreitten Puolueen 2024 Presidentti Ehdokkaan Arvot Saastuttavat Suomen Maaperän

Elämän Luoja puhui selvästi suoraan Israelin kansalle Pakanuudesta ja Pakanuuden epäjumalan palveluksesta.  Pakanat kuin antautuvat lihan himoille ja tekevät lihan himoista elämässä kaikista korkeimmat tavoite arvot, niin he sitten lankeavat lihan himojen kautta lihan himojen orjuudelle. Heidän lihansa himoilla tekevät itselle epäjumalan ja samalla heidän aivojen toiminta tylsyy ja alistuu lihan himojen alle. Elävän sielun mielen toiminnat, Äly, tajunta, mielikuvitus, tahto, muisti ja tunteet sitten turtuvat. Ihmisistä sitten tulee enemmän eläin kuin ihminen, joka on luotu Elämän Luojan kuvaksi.

3 Mooseksen Kirja 18:24–28.

“Älä uhraa lastasi Molokille, sillä jos niin teet, häpäiset oman Jumalasi nimen. Älä makaa miehen kanssa niin kuin naisen kanssa maataan, sillä se on kauhistuttava teko. Älä yhdy mihinkään eläimeen, ettet tulisi saastaiseksi. Älköön kukaan nainen paritelko eläimen kanssa, sillä sellainen on luonnonvastaista.”

”Älkää saastuttako itseänne tällaisilla teoilla. Niiden takia ovat tulleet saastaisiksi ne kansat, jotka minä ajan pois teidän tieltänne, ja myös se maa on tullut saastaiseksi. Siksi minä panen sen maan vastaamaan näistä pahoista teoista, ja se oksentaa ulos asukkaansa.”

”Pitäkää sen tähden minun lakini ja käskyni. Älköön kukaan teistä, olipa hän pysyvä asukas tai teidän keskuudessanne asuva siirtolainen, tehkö mitään näistä iljettävistä teoista. Kaikkia näitä iljetyksiä ovat sen maan entiset asukkaat tehneet, ja näin he ovat saastuttaneet maansa.”

Elämän Luoja Oksentaa Ihmiset Ulos Ketkä Häpäisevät Elämän Luojan Älyn, Tajunnan ja Tahdon.

”Älkää te siis teoillanne saastuttako maata, ettei se oksentaisi pois teitäkin, niin kuin se oksentaa entiset asukkaansa. Jokainen, joka tekee yhdenkään näistä kauhistuttavista teoista, on poistettava kansansa keskuudesta.”

”Pitäkää minun säädökseni älkääkä ryhtykö noudattamaan mitään niistä iljettävistä tavoista, joita on noudatettu ennen teitä, ettette saastuttaisi niillä itseänne. Minä olen Herra, teidän Jumalanne.”

Vihreitten Puolueen 2024 Presidentti Ehdokas Pekka Haavisto on Selkeästi Elämän Luojan Pilkkausta

Vihreitten Puolueen Presidentti Ehdokas Pekka Haavisto pilkkaa Elämän Luojan sanaa ja tahtoa mikä annettiin Juutalaisille ja Ihmiskunnalle noin 3470 vuotta sitten.

Elämän Luoja oleskelee ulkopuolella aikaa ja tilaa. Siis Elämän Luojaa oleskelee Ikuisuuden tilassa. Elämän Luoja on täydellinen ikuisuuden olemus. Hänellä ei ole tarvetta muuttua tai muuttaa mieltä, suhteessa Syy ja Seuraus ulottuvuus, Materiaalisessa maailman kaikkeudessa.

Juutalaiset Pyhät Kirjoitukset selvästi ilmoittavat, että Elämän Luoja oleskelee ulkopuolella aikaa ja tilaa, Ikuisuuden tilassa. Siellä ei ole materiaalista ainetta, se ulottuvuus on paljon korkeammalla tasolla kuin materiaalinen ulottuvuus.

Tieto on Kasvanut Maanpäällä Älyn ja Elämän Luojan Valistuksen/sallimisen kautta.

Koneet ovat olleet olemassa kymmeniä tuhansia vuosia Biologisella Molekyyli tasolla. Ihmiset eivät tienneet mitään sellaisesta käsitteistä kuin kone tuhansia vuosia sitten. Tiedon kasvaessa ihmiset ovat alkaneet tajuamaan, että koneita voidaan rakentaa mitkä toimivat itsestään, kun olosuhteet on suunniteltu ja asetettu oikein tarkasti.

Ensiksi ihminen tajusi pyörän, ja sitä seurasi enemmän hyviä ideoita mitä ihmiset teollisuuden kanssa ovat hyödyntäneet.  Teollisuus on apinoinut ja matkinut sitä älyllistä muotoituja mitä on ollut tuhansia vuosia biologisessa molekyyli tasolla, Elämän Luojan alkuperäisestä Mielen Älystä, Luomus työssä.

Alussa Elohim (YHWH) loi Materiaalisen Syy ja Seuraus Maailmankaikkeuden

“Alussa Elohim loi taivaan ja maan. Maa oli autio ja tyhjä, pimeys peitti syvyydet, ja Elohim henki liikkui vetten yllä.

Elohim sanoi: »Tulkoon valo!» Ja valo tuli. Elohim näki, että valo oli hyvä. Elohim erotti valon pimeydestä, ja hän nimitti valon päiväksi, ja pimeyden hän nimitti yöksi. Tuli ilta ja tuli aamu, näin meni ensimmäinen päivä.

Elohim sanoi: »Tulkoon kaartuva kansi vesien väliin, erottamaan vedet toisistaan.» Elohim teki kannen ja erotti toiset vedet sen alapuolelle ja toiset sen yläpuolelle. Niin tapahtui, ja Elohim nimitti kannen taivaaksi. Tuli ilta ja tuli aamu, näin meni toinen päivä.

Elohim sanoi: »Kokoontukoot taivaankannen alapuolella olevat vedet yhteen paikkaan, niin että maan kamara tulee näkyviin.» Ja niin tapahtui. Elohim nimitti kiinteän kamaran maaksi, ja sen paikan, mihin vedet olivat kokoontuneet, hän nimitti mereksi. Elohim näki, että niin oli hyvä.

Elohim sanoi: »Kasvakoon maa vihreyttä, siementä tekeviä kasveja ja hedelmäpuita, jotka maan päällä kantavat hedelmissään kukin lajinsa mukaista siementä.» Ja niin tapahtui. Maa versoi vihreyttä, siementä tekeviä kasveja ja hedelmäpuita, jotka kantoivat hedelmissään kukin oman lajinsa mukaista siementä. Elohim näki, että niin oli hyvä. Tuli ilta ja tuli aamu, näin meni kolmas päivä.”…………………….

Voit lukea lisää samasta aiheesta kirjoitus verkkosivulla  Marjamies . com

Suomen 2024 Presidentti Vaalit ja Puolueitten Prioriteetit ja Arvot

Sing A New Year Poem For 2023

A Carol At The Gates

Poet: Unknown

Here we come a-whistling through the fields so green;
Here we come a-singing, so fair to be seen.
God send you happy, God send you happy,
Pray God send you a happy New Year!

The roads are very dirty, my boots are very thin,
I have a little pocket to put a penny in.
God send you happy, God send you happy,
Pray God send you a happy New Year!

Bring out your little table and spread it with a cloth,
Bring out some of your old ale, likewise your Christmas loaf.
God send you happy, God send you happy,
Pray God send you a happy New Year!

God bless the master of this house, likewise the mistress, too,
And all the little children that round the table strew.
God send you happy, God send you happy,
Pray God send you a happy New Year!


Except changes improvements happy New Year

8 Good New Year’s Resolutions for Moms

8 Good New Year’s Resolutions for Moms. Are you a mother?  If so, making a New Year’s resolution may literally be the last thing on your mind.  Even still, you should make one.  New Year’s resolutions do not have to be significant life-changing events, like losing weight or getting out of debt.  They can still be small and meaningful, like:

1 – Spend More Time with Your Children

Work outside of the home or have children who are active in sports or other extracurricular activities. It can be challenging to get quality time with your children.  If pressed for time, start in small steps.  Sneak in 15 minutes to read a book, play a game, or just talk with your child.  When possible, consider a fun family night, where all members of your family can bond.

2 – Attend a School or Daycare Function

Due to hectic lives and busy schedules, most parents just drop off and pick up their children from school or daycare.  A fair New Year’s resolution is to attend a school or daycare function at least four times a year.  Is your child’s kindergarten class putting on a small play during school?  Try to request a few hours off work so that you can attend.

3 – Sort Your Kid’s Belongings

Whether you are the parent of a toddler or teenager, you likely have many kids items accumulated in your home.  You may have a collection of old toys, clothes, books, and movies.  Sort through these items.  If you intend to have more children, sort, box, label, and store.  If you do not anticipate needing these things again, donate or sell on,, or host a yard sale.

4 – Take a Break

This may contradict the suggested New Year’s resolution of spending more time with your kids, but most mothers aren’t just moms, but super-moms.  Those who aren’t parents and even dads are surprised to learn how much a mother does.  So, be sure to take a break yourself.  Whether it involves cuddling up with a new book once a month or monthly visits to the spa, do it.  Make taking a break your New Year’s resolution.

5 – Ask for Help

As previously stated, many moms are super-moms because most do it all and then some.  Yes, some will say it is a mother’s responsibility, but it is also your responsibility to care for yourself.  So, don’t be afraid to ask for help on occasion.  In fact, make it your New Year’s resolution to do so.  Ask your husband or live-in partner to watch the kids while you enjoy a day of shopping or pampering.  Other alternatives include asking a close friend or family member or hiring a babysitter.

6 – Give Your Relationship Extra Attention

Most claim that romantic relationships slide down the importance scale once children are involved.  Yes, your children should come first in every aspect of your life, but don’t let your personal relationship fail.  For that reason, schedule monthly date nights, steal a few kisses, and so forth.

7 – Spend Time with Friends

In terms of spending time with friends, use your best judgment.  You and your college friends may be in different places in your lives.  Don’t want to spend an evening bar-hopping?  Suggest lunch or coffee instead.  If you must, take a step to develop new friendships with those who share similar interests.  Start by joining community groups for parents.

8 – Learn to Let it Go

As a mother, you may want to make sure everything in your life is perfect.  You want to make sure your kids are healthy, they get good grades, you make enough money, and that you have a clean house. Yes, these are all critical aspects of raising a family, but learn to let the small things go.  Too tired to do dishes?  Don’t let a sink full of dishes bother you for just one night, do them in the morning.

Thank you for visiting website and reading this 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Home-Based Workers article post.  We hope it is informative, useful, and helpful.

More related content can be found at and website.


Wild Nordic Berries From Finland

Wild Berries from Finland

Finland has a tremendous resource of natural wild berries. The most common harvest is Lingonberries, bilberries, Cranberries and cloud berries.

Lingonberries are nature’s own vitamin, mineral and polyphenol pills

Polyphenols are produced by forest plants to protect their berries from pests, the sun’s UV radiation and other environmental hazards. Nature’s own regulation system has developed these protective substances for berries over thousands of years. Humans change this system through cultivation. Fertilisers make the berries larger in size. The use of plant protection products reduces the production of the plants’ own protective substances.

The lingonberry has almost no calories. It is virtually fat-free, and does not contain any saturated fat. This is why it is excellent for those who are in need of watching their weight. Lingonberries also have vitamin E and are a source of dietary fibre. When it comes to minerals and micronutrients, lingonberries have virtually no harmful sodium, but are rather abundant in potassium. Arctic lingonberries are rich in polyphenols, for example, resveratrol, quercetin and proanthocyanidins. It is also rich in organic acids, such as benzoic acid, which play an important role as natural preservatives in berries and other foods.

Wild Nordic Berry Pictures From Finland

Thank you for your interest in Nordic Berries and visiting website. For more relevant article posts visit

5 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Health

5 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Health

Are you concerned with your health? Do want to ensure you are able to see your children or grandchildren grow up? If so, take your health concerns and transform them into goals. In fact, make this your year to improve your health. If you want to improve your health, continue reading on for a few good New Year’s resolutions.

1 – Stop Smoking

Despite the dangers, many Americans smoke. If you are a smoker and want to improve your health, the first step is getting rid of the cigarettes. Unfortunately, this isn’t as easy as it sounds. Many smokers are addicted to the nicotine. Not only that, but smoking becomes a habit. Do you smoke in the car? If so, you may literally feel lost without having one hand attached to a cigarette.

If you want to improve your health and stop smoking, know it will not happen overnight. That is why stop smoking is a good New Year’s resolution because you have all year to reach your goal. Although you may get lucky and stop smoking right away, many smokers have to try multiple times. If you do, don’t give up. Rely on support from friends, family, and your primary care physician. If you must, rely on stop smoking tools, such as nicotine gum and support groups, to end your addiction and improve your health.

2 – Lose Weight

Obesity is a big problem in the United States. If you are obese, your health is at risk. Those who are severely obese put themselves at risk for early death. Diabetes and asthma have also been linked to obesity. So, if you are obese and want to improve your health, the first step is losing weight. Unfortunately, saying you want to lose weight is a lot easier than actually doing it.

If your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight, focus on the smaller picture. Examine the components of losing weight, including diet and exercise. Instead of focusing on losing weight, focus on reducing junk foods from your diet and exercising. Soon, the rest will fall into place.

3 – Eat Healthy

As previously stated, healthy eating is an important component of losing weight. Even if you do not need to lose weight, you should still eat healthy. Yes, it is okay to eat a package of cookies if you will burn off the calories moving around at work, but why consume junk food? Only do so on occasion. If you are truly looking to improve your health, by ridding your body of unnatural chemicals and additives, make the switch to organic foods.

Whether you opt for healthy eating to lose weight or just to improve your overall health, be careful when shopping. Organic foods are costly, but you can save money by shopping at specialty food stores, looking for sales, or using coupons. If you don’t want to eat organic, examine calories and fat. You do not have to purchase diet foods to eat healthy.

4 – Exercise More

In addition to eating healthy, exercise is another important component of weight loss. As with healthy eating, it is recommended even if you do not need to lose weight. Exercise not only results in a thin body, but a fit body. If you don’t exercise or only do so on occasion, make it your New Year’s resolution. Whether you take daily walks outside or head to the gym, make this your year to get fit and be in shape.

Thank you for visiting website and reading this 5 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Health article post. I hope this New Year 2018 will be a Good One For You. Cheers!


The Natural Health Of Eye Vision System

The Natural Health Of Eye Vision System

The natural health of eye vision system is the purpose of this article post.  There are 5 areas that should be considered in order to optimize the eye vision system.

  1.  Nutrition
  2. Regular Eye exercises
  3. Lifestyle habits
  4. Regular physical exercise and outdoors activities
  5. Quality sleep and rest
  6. Environment, home, and work environment

The natural health of eye vision system starts with the general questions whether you are getting all the Vitamins, Minerals that Your eye vision system needs? For Your Eye vision system to perform, and to renew and to maintain at optimal levels? I guess for most people the answer is No. It is natural for people to assume that good health continues with minimal effort and attention paid to the food and nutrition requirements and the regular physical outdoors exercise requirements for the human body and the eleven organs systems to function optimally.

The ability of the human physiology is nothing short of miraculous, how the physical body with all of the eleven organ systems can maintains them all and keeps the machinery running smoothly without the need for the human will to intervene in the everyday affairs of that physiology.

Therefore, is it easy to become complacent and lazy in feeding and walking the system every day just as if you had a pet that need regular daily exercise to keep it normally healthy.
Too many people have fallen into the habit of being entertained. Entertainment via TV, movies and Social Media channels. Over indulgence in Entertainment can lead a person to fall out of reality and assume the world of physiological reality of the person to continues even if the person has switched off reality and stopped engaging in it physically. Therefore no engaging physically to the physical needs of the human body, that contains the eleven organ systems. As a physiological unit the whole system with eleven organs systems needs to be worked physically, to engage it with walking, jogging, running, climbing, swimming, rowing, cycling, skiing, surfing, walking and much more. It is all necessary to be physically alive on the planet earth.

How to Optimize The Health Of Your Eye Vision System with the Essential Nutrients.

There has been researching done into the eye vision system, to research what parts for the eye vision systems require nutrients, what type of nutrients and in what amounts.

There are also dangers to the eye vision system, and the real possibility of increasing the chances of being diagnosed with a potentially blinding condition like cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. These eye conditions can be avoided and reversed if the nutritional requirements are observed, and sufficient attention is given to maintaining the eye vision system healthy.

The logic of this natural remedy is real and reliable rational logic. It is as simple as if you had some farm/pet animals at the family farm. Let’s say you had 17 farm/pet animals at the family farm, and it was your responsibility to feed them regularly, at least once a day. How would you go about feeding them? Would you bother to find out what the farm/pet animals were? If you bothered to find out what they were, then you could cater to the farm/pet animal nutritional needs. Let’s say there were some 3 chickens, 2 lambs, 2 cows, 1 horse, 1 cat, 1 dog, 1 goat.

Could you feed all of them with the same food? Of course not. You could not feed all of them with cat food, or dog food, or the hay that you would need to feed the cows, horse and the lambs. They all have individual food nutrition requirements.

Therefore, it is rational to think each of the eleven organ systems as individual systems, but they also work together as a unit. They do have individual nutritional needs, specific variations in the type and the quantity of the nutrients.

The eye vision system needs specific essential nutrients for the eye vision system to work optimally. It really is that simple. To pay attention to the needs of the human physiological systems.

Search Engine Optimization and Advertising

Search Engine Optimization and Advertising

Search engine optimization and advertising have become a fine art in the modern technology of online advertising, there is a great competition going on for the search engine results and page ranks, much is at stake for the page one position of the online search results.

Search Engine Optimization and Advertising

In today’s net-savvy world it has become common for any business to have a website which they use mostly for advertising their products and services. With the advent of search engines, it has become even easier for the customers to search for the stuff online. For a website to be successful its link should land in the first three pages which the search engine brings and the rank of the page should be high which means many visitors come to the site. This can be achieved by applying search engine optimization or popularly known as SEO. This is a marketing strategy which increases the quality and quantity of traffic flow to a particular website via search engines.

Search Engine Optimization and Advertising for page one results

SEO not only affects the search engine results, but also image search, video search, and industry-specific vertical search engines. It determines how a search algorithm functions and searches what is popular with people. When a website link is submitted to a search engine, a spider crawls through a page to gather links which lead to other pages and stores those pages on the server of the search engine. The information collected from these pages is sent to the indexer, whose job is to extract information from those pages such as the keywords and their weights, the location of the page and other links that are stored for the spider to crawl in future.

Search Engine Optimization and Advertising online progress

In the beginning, the search engine optimizer algorithms were dependent on the keywords, Meta tags, and index files provided by the Webmaster. Meta tags provided information about a particular page, but using them for indexing the pages didn’t prove to be successful as some Webmasters added irrelevant Meta tags to increase the number of hits and earn huge ad revenue. They even changed the HTML of the web pages to achieve a good rank for the page. But this was a case of abuse as it fetched irrelevant pages.

Search engines then began utilizing complex ranking algorithm, which was difficult for the webmasters to manipulate so as to provide web surfers with genuine results. The rank of the web page was calculated mathematically by functions using strength and quantity of the inbound links. The higher the rank of the page the more chances it had to be viewed by a person. Later algorithms were developed which considered various other on-page factors such as rank and off-page factors such as hyperlink. Since the webmasters couldn’t manipulate the page rank, they began exchanging, selling and buying links, which lead to link spamming and even creation of numerous sites dedicated for this purpose.

Search Engine Optimization and Advertising sophistication

Algorithms became more complex by every passing day and top search engines kept their algorithms a secret. As the cost of SEO increased, advertisers were roped in to pay for it, which finally resulted in high-quality web pages. Although investing in SEO is very rewarding, but at the same time is risky because without any prior notice the algorithms being used are bound to change and the search engine will stop directing visitors to the page. Many consultants are available in the market that provides SEO services. They manipulate the HTML source code of the web site like menus, shopping carts and sometimes even the content of the website to draw more traffic. Search engines like Yahoo have algorithms that extract pages not according to the page rank but according to the cost per click or set fee, that is if an advertiser desires that the page containing his and be displayed, he is expected to pay money for it. This is a point of controversy, as only the big businesses will be able to increase the number of hits of their page but not the small business who might be having a better quality page.

Google Ad Words explores ads which have words typed in the search box by the surfer. The Million Dollar Homepage started the concept of Pixel advertising, which is a graphical kind of advertising. Depending on the pixels, space is sold to the advertiser. Keyword advertising involves advertisers who buy URLs of a site and place their ads at that location. Thus SEO is a market in its own which is yielding great results for businesses on the Internet.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on Search Engine Optimization and Advertising article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends. Thank you.

Creative advertising with low budget

Creative advertising with low budget

Creative advertising with a low budget does not mean that it is not effective once the creative mind is actively engaged and determined to produce results.

Those who don’t have creativity as an in-built talent, it takes some hard work to learn the art of advertising. There are some really basic tricks involved.

All Copyrights Reserved. 2014. John Leinonen.

Creative advertising budget with awareness

To get started to put to good use the natural 5 senses that you have and invigorate them to engage in the natural world which can be a tremendous source of inspiration and ideas.

The visual world is very captivating and the most beautiful with natural landscapes and surreal scenes; try visualizing some locations that are naturally creative and inspiring. Try to visualize the Natural environment with all the interesting aspects of it, the patterns, the scents, the sounds the brilliant colors, e.g. yellow, orange, red and violet. Observe greenery around, the flora and fauna. Next, put your ears to use and increasing the observation power of audio. This can be done by walking around the nearby parkland and absorbing the natural world at your location.

Creative advertising budget with social responsibility

Just seeing a thing isn’t enough, analyze the expressions of the people around you and analyze the emotions they depict. The brain can be fed with many things at once, so carry a camera along and take a lot of pictures of objects from different angles and lighting. Try to understand and capture the mood and things, which will help to create an inspiring scene.

Take notes along with the pictures. It is like creating a blueprint that will be useful in future works. Things that are important can be underlined or marked with a star. During this procedure, if any question arises in your mind, note them down also, so as to find an answer for them at a later stage. This is a great learning technique. Try to listen a lot, compile those things in the brain and then output it through your mind. Try to create a rhythm between works, something like poetry, but not exactly it. The spiritual sense can be used to sense a balance in life.

Creative advertising budget with data and information

Develop a habit of taking notes, It is useful in remembering ideas and concepts that come to mind. While waiting for something or someone, scribble on your notepad.

With spare time available join courses that increase creativity like photography, painting, social groups, etc. It need not be necessary that they be directly linked to advertising. Maintain a diary and note down daily happening, especially with good ideas. Learn the art of humor, read books, watch people and animals and then apply it practically by trying to put a smile on faces around you. Do research about great personalities who are related to arts. Read their biographies, some of the problems you are facing may be answered and the path to be taken can be learned.

After going through all the above steps the creative instincts will start to develop. So the next time an idea clicks, trust your instincts and work on it. Don’t hesitate to try new ideas. And try to interact with people who encourage you with this and believe in you and not inhibit your thinking. After breaking the core you can approach newspapers, ad agencies with your stories, articles and original work. Whatever being learned during the whole experience, there is no harm in sharing and teaching that with others.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on Creative advertising budget article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends. Thank you.

Low Cost Advertising

Low-Cost Advertising

Low-cost Advertising is possible when there is a will to do it, meaning a creative mind to come up with ideas that promote your cause and the willingness to mix with people where the people are at. But it does take effort, you have to go out and share whatever you have on offer.

There is no better way of an advertisement than that which is low cost and effective in communication as well. Great business ideas when utilized effectively can save lots of money. This is not only easy for those who work full-time as an advertiser, but also for those who work from home.

Low Cost Advertising

Low-Cost Advertising from home

Advertising from home is also a low-cost option, which involves making and distributing fliers. Usually, potential customers will visit home for business dealing. A print good amount of fliers and give it to anyone who is visiting home like family, friends, mailman, etc. Business cards can also be distributed. Few selected people can be given sample of the product. For those who work outside home, employ college students to distribute fliers at supermarkets, community centers, or malls, especially on weekends, when there is a rush.

Spread the word by the mouth. Talk to everyone about the product and ask them to talk about it to others. It’s a very powerful tool to increase the network and doesn’t even cost anything. When receiving a casual call from family members and friends, don’t forget to tell them about the latest events, discounts, and promotions and ask them about what they are up to. If the parties are into the business, it won’t hurt to promote each other. Joint ventures can be started with trustable people of the same trade. The only cost that will be incurred during the whole process is of printing fliers. For a better quality, professional can be hired to design them, as they will be able to play with colors and write motivating material.

Low Cost Advertising

Low-Cost Advertising on notice boards

Most of the businesses have a company bulletin board that they use to put up the company’s latest news. Fliers and business cards can be tacked on such bulletin boards. But before doing so, check out with the human resource department before placing the information as most of the HR departments make it compulsory to consult them.

Parents are required to be in regular touch with the teachers to know about the progress of the child and they have meetings from time to time. Do not miss this opportunity and spread the word. Hand them the business card and fliers personally at the meeting, instead of just giving the contact number.

Low-Cost Advertising at schools

Get involved with a fundraiser at schools, as it’s a nice approach to market business. Prior to handing out the order received, collect all necessary information like business card pack, fliers, with proper information. Information can be based on what is the company about, what are the products and services provided, or how to get in touch with the company. In each individual order, carefully place all of them and seal the package properly. Presentation, too, is of importance and should be paid attention.

Low-Cost Advertising with voice mail

Voice mails can be put to good use, other than recording messages. They can help to deliver the marketing message. Greet with a brief message, following with website and email address, so that whoever calls will be already having the telephone number and they will be able to learn more about the business by visiting the website. When the company is providing special promotional offers and discounts, include information about those in the voice mail. Discontinuation of any services of products can also be informed about. Repetitive voicemails sound boring, so keep changing the voice mail frequently and add some creativity to it.

Most of the big businesses attach business cards or fliers with outgoing mail. This works for companies who send bills to their customers. For those who have customers paying online, they can send the information through emails.

Advertisements can be done, in the locality, by placing fliers on the bulletin boards of the local grocery stores, businesses, barbers, or butchers. People frequent these places and there is a possibility of getting a good response. Some businesses place a jar at the reception counter where the business cards can be dropped for future reference while visiting them.

Thank you for visiting  and reading this Information on Low-Cost Advertising article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends. Thank you.

Different Types of Bikes for Different Purpose

Different Types of Bikes for Different Purpose

Different types of bikes for a different purpose is obvious, for all those people that are interested in wild berry picking during the Northern hemisphere summer berry season then the use of a bike can be a real winner all around.

Different Types of Bikes for Different Purpose

The benefits of bike riding.

There are many benefits from bike riding, here are some listed:

  1. Economical.
  2. Provides physical exercise.
  3. It is relaxing to ride a bike outdoors during the pleasant summer season weather.
  4. Environmentally friendly.
  5. Freedom to travel, go beyond the dirt trail gate.

The above benefits should be viewed relatively to the distance required to travel to the berry picking location.   In my opinion, 5-10 kilometers is a comfortable distance to travel one way. It also depends on the conditions of the road, and how much traffic is on the roads. Many places near cities there are bike racks that are some distance away from the road that the cars use, making it safer for the bike rider. Always consider safety first. If it is not safe to ride a bike, then don’t use the bike. The alternative is to catch a bus with a bike to a location where it is safe to use the bike. There are many options to get around unsafe area of bike use.

Generally speaking in Finland there are many quiet areas where the use of a bike cycle is really safe due to the bike tracks and the low levels of traffic on the country roads.

Different Types of Bikes for Different Purpose – Berry transport

Riding to a location where you intend to pick berries may need some special equipment on the bike if you intend to bring back the berries using the bike for transportation.  The is also the alternative option if you have a really good spot for picking berries and you manage to get 10, 20, or 30 liters of wild berries. To transport berries on a bike needs to be considered in several areas.

  • How smooth are the roads? The bumpy rocky road will damage the bilberries, unless they are in the backpack, inside a plastic container with a lid.
  • Rear carry rack with a basket/container.
  • Front carry rack with a basket/container.
  • Buckets with lids, on the handlebar. it is tricky and recommend for a short distance only.
  • Alternatives: Ask a friend to come with a car to pick the berries later. the best option for the berries sake.  Hide the berries in the bush, in plastic buckets with lids.  Return later with the car to pick them up. Safety of travel and less damage to the ripe berries.

I have used the bike to transport wild berries, it was relatively safe using bike tracks most of the way.  I use 2 buckets on the handlebars, they do sit on the racing bike handlebar, on the bottom part. But when there are bumps then the buckets need to be lifted off the bar, so that the bump won’t jar the berries and crush them. This can be done by simply holding the buckets with the 4 fingers while the thumb is hooked over the handlebar until the rough part of the road is passed over, and then lowering the buckets back down to rest on the handlebar. .

  Different Types of Bikes for Different Purpose

With mountain biking being a very popular sport,
there are many bikes to choose from. Depending
on what type of riding you like, the style of
bikes you can choose from will vary. Below, you’ll
find tips on the different types of bikes available.

1. Cross country

Almost all mountain bikes will fit into this category.
Cross country mountain bikes are lightweight, making
them easy to ride over most terrains, even up and
down hills. This is the most common mountain bike
and it can be used with ease for riding on the path
or even commuting.

2. Downhill

These types of bikes are for serious bikers who
crave the ultimate adventure. Downhill bikes have
front and rear suspension, strong parts, and disc
brakes. Rarely available off the shelf, most riders
like to custom build their own.

3. Trials

Trail mountain biking involves a great degree of
skill and is classified as the precision riding of
the sport. Similar to downhill bikes, trial riders
will often build their own bikes rather than purchase
one off a shelf. Generally very light and very
strong, these bikes require a lot of discipline.

4. Jump and slalom

Slalom and jump bikes are very strong and designed
for jumping, street racing, and slalom. They offer
a front suspension and use very strong components
dedicated to what they do. These bikes are very
popular with the sport of mountain biking.

Even if you are new to mountain biking, the sport can
be a lot of fun. There are several bikes to choose
from, all of which depend on your style. If you are
still looking for the best style for you, all you
have to do is try out several bikes and see which one
suits you the best.

Thank you for visiting and reading this Information on Different Types of Bikes for Different Purpose article post. We hope this was helpful and useful to you.  Please do share this link with your friends. Thank you.