Suomi Finland seasons.
Suomi Finland geographical location is in the northern hemisphere, the close proximity to the north pole and the long cool shadow of the Arctic winter has had an impact on the natural environment of the Fennoscandia. The natural environment had evolved over many hundreds of thousands of years for the most adapted plants and vegetation to survive and thrive during the extreme changes between the summer season and the winter season. Many plants of the northern hemisphere are unique and well adapted to the extreme conditions.
Suomi Finland pictures.
Suomi Finland pictures presented on this animated video presents the many natural color and tone impressions from Suomi Finland.The spring season explodes with thriving life filled with bright colors that continue on well into the summer season, the splash of colors don’t stop there, next in turn is the autumn season with another stage show of brilliant display of natural Nordic colors that are extremely vivid with reds, yellows, and green colors.
Summer berry season.
Summer berry season in the Suomi Finland is a real natural gift from mother nature. The nature continues to provide berries year after year without any attention give to the cultivation of the berry plants. The most common berries are bilberries, lingonberries, cloudberries and wild raspberries. Other berries that are cultivated and farmed are strawberries. The berry season starts in July-August with strawberries, bilberries, cloudberries and wild strawberries. The last berry to ripen is the lingonberry, the lingonberry has the greatest consumption in Suomi Finland by far. The annual yield of lingonberries per year in Suomi Finland is between 200 to 500 tons.

Winter ice cover over lakes.
Winter ice cover over the lakes of Suomi Finland starts around October in the northern region and for the south, the freeze offer is some 4-6 weeks later in November to December. Many regions make use of the cold winter freeze over of the lakes and ice roads are made by clearing the snow off the road. The ice can vary over a lake, the formation of the ice depends on the conditions that are present. There is a term called in Suomi Finland, it is called “teras-jaa” (metal-ice), the metal ice is the strongest ice that can form naturally. Metal ice that is 20 cm thick is sufficient to carry 2-ton trailer vehicle, per axle it is 1.5 ton. 30 cm metal ice can carry 4-ton trailer weight and 3 ton over the axle. 80 cm metal ice can carry 31-ton trailer weight and 14 ton over the axle. The metal ice of Suomi Finland is sufficiently strong to take the weight of load of a snow plow to clear the ice road and to carry the passenger vehicle traffic over the ice covered lake, it may be a short distance of a few kilometers or it can be tens of kilometers. The weather conditions are observed during the spring season to determine when the ice road is no longer safe to traffic as the spring season warms up towards the summer season.
Snowscape in Lapland.
Autumn season.